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1970s Singer-Songwriters

1970s Singer-Songwriters Main point The early to mid-1970s saw a strong trend for singer-songwriters who wrote in a personal style,...

New Romantics

The New Romantics The New Romantics were a movement in the early 1980s, initially in fashion, then moving into music. They were...


Supergroups There was a fad in the late Sixties and early Seventiesfor ‘supergroups’, that is groups made up virtuoso musicians who were...

Disco music

Disco music Disco is a dance music form based with bouncy, lively rhythms based in guitar, bass, keyboards and drums. It emerged in the...

Skiffle music

Skiffle Music Skiffle is a popular US musical form, a combination of folk, jazz and blues, often made with low-cost home-made or...

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